Why Choose Lychee?

There are many solutions today in video creation. How does Lychee differ?

Video Agencies

100% human editing

Expensive: $300+ per clip

Good performance



80% AI + 20% human editing

Affordable: $50 per clip

Top 1% performance


AI Tools

100% AI

Cheap: $5 per clip

Poor performance

Requires time to tinker

With Lychee you’ll be able to

Save money

Stop paying expensive clip agencies or have your existing marketing team spend time

Save time

Forget editing, tinkering with AI tools & managing freelancers. We do it for you.

Grow your channels

Reach a larger audience with tier-one content tailored to your brand

Reach your goals with Lychee

With Lychee

Strong socials. High ROI from podcast

  • Stand out with stunning and unique videos
  • High performance on socials (100k+ views)
  • Requires little time from you (1 hour / month)
  • Publish 20+ clips a month easily
  • Engaging clips gems with strong hooks
  • Affordable rates which allow you to scale
  • Professional clips within moments
Without Lychee

Weak socials. Low ROI from podcast

  • Generic video clips that people swipe past
  • Stuck at under 200 views
  • Spend hours tinkering with AI-tools or AP
  • Only 1-2 clips are published every month
  • Clips don't reflect the best parts of episode
  • Using affordable, but low-quality AI clip
  • Clips published are "meh" looking